ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI (November 15, 2020) – Markwort Sporting Goods Company acquired Arm Strong® Baseball – The Complete Pitching and Throwing Trainer – from David and Connie Higgins, the owners of DH Sports, Inc.
The Arm Strong® Baseball Trainer is a proven steady seller and has been on the market for decades. Arm Strong® can help develop strength and improve a players’ performance through six exercises. Arm Strong® includes three tubes for seven resistance levels, attachments for indoor and outdoor training and a travel bag.
Markwort Sporting Goods Company was established in 1931 and is the maker of sporting goods products such as C-Flap®, Game Face®, Heart-Gard®, Palmgard® and much more. Markwort has been a long-time member and supporter of NSGA.