What is the NSGA online community?

The NSGA online community is a safe platform created to connect like-minded professionals in the sporting goods industry with a place to share ideas, experiences and best practices, while also engaging in real-time discussions.

Create Member Account and Access NSGA Online Communities

What are the benefits of participating in the NSGA Online Community?

The sporting goods industry is stronger together.

Together we can:

  • Create new industry connections and grow existing relationships
  • Leverage the power of peer-to-peer dialogue by sharing questions, ideas, experiences, concerns and pain points
  • Help strengthen the sporting goods industry by actively participating in discussions, answering questions or providing feedback when applicable and sharing experiences (good and bad) and lessons learned
  • Participate in a variety of community groups pertaining to interest and association involvement **COMING SOON**


Online communities are an NSGA member benefit. You must be an NSGA member to participate.

Click here to join

The information shared in the NSGA Online Communities is private and only accessible to individuals with the credentials to log into the member portal and have permission to participate in the online community.

Yes. The rules of engagement are included on the community pages and can also be found below.

Rules of Engagement – NSGA Online Communities 2023


If you have any problems please contact Brian Van Acker, NSGA Membership Manager, at bvanacker@nsga.org or Marty Maciaszek, NSGA Director of Communications, at mmaciaszek@nsga.org.