
Verified Independent Dealer

What are the Verified Independent Dealer Programs?

NSGA Verified Dealer Logos

The NSGA MVP Verified Independent Dealer and NSGA All-Star Verified Independent Dealer programs are a member benefit recognizing the most qualified independently owned retailers and dealers in the sporting goods industry. This program tells consumers and the industry this company is one you want to do business with and it sets your business apart from your competition. Your company has a wealth of knowledge and experience to ensure your customers are receiving the highest quality of service.

Benefits of Becoming an NSGA Verified Independent Dealer

The NSGA MVP Verified Independent Dealer and NSGA All-Star Verified Independent Dealer programs help your current and future customers know your company is one of the leaders in your field in the sporting goods industry.

Some of the benefits of becoming an NSGA MVP Verified Independent Dealer or NSGA All-Star Verified Independent Dealer:

  • Use of the NSGA MVP Verified Independent Dealer or NSGA All-Star Verified Independent Dealer logo with a description of what it means for your business
  • NSGA will inform local media of your company’s achievement
  • Branded marketing materials
  • NSGA will produce fact sheets for current and potential customers on your company’s NSGA MVP Verified Independent Dealer or NSGA All-Star Verified Independent Dealer status
  • Exclusive programming at the annual NSGA Leadership Conference for NSGA MVP Verified Independent Dealers and NSGA All-Star Verified Dealers


Membership Benefits

Verified Dealer Logo Usage

Use of the NSGA MVP Verified Independent Dealer or NSGA All-Star Verified Independent Dealer logos can be used on your website, throughout your store or business or on your letterhead. One dealer uses the logo on his company’s vehicles.

Informing Your Local Media

NSGA produces a press release for your business announcing your status as Verified Dealer and sends it to your local media so they can share it with your local community.

Branded Marketing Materials

You will receive NSGA Verified Dealer stickers and window clings you can use in your store or business and on your company’s letterhead.

Fact Sheets

NSGA produces letters you can share with customers and prospects explaining why you achieved Verified Dealer status and why it is important to work with a Verified Dealer.

Exclusive programming

NSGA Verified Dealers in attendance at the annual Leadership Conference have the opportunity to get together and share ideas and concerns while knowing they are in a setting and atmosphere with other like-minded independent dealers.

Business Solutions

Expand current operations, cut costs and save time searching for the right service provider with NSGA business partners.

What Level Should I Apply For?


NSGA MVP Verified Independent Dealer

NSGA All-Star Verified Independent Dealer

Employees have at least…

A combined 100 years overall experience in sales

A combined 50-99 years overall experience in sales

Business has been in continuous operations for at least…

10 years

5 years

Business has an annual revenue of…

$10 million or more

Less than $10 million

Business has not been publicly traded


Business is at least 51% owned by an individual or family with controlling interest in the business


Business has a brick-and-mortar or warehouse presence where customers can see you doing business


Business has an active use of social media to promote/market your business


Business has a website…

Promoting your business that can also be used for e-commerce

Promoting your business

Business has a process for addressing customer/vendor complaints


Business has been an NSGA member for…

At least 5 years and your membership is current

At least one year and your membership is current

Someone from your company has attended the NSGA Leadership Conference at least once in the last 5 years, or, can demonstrate that employees have attended other training and/or educational sessions to learn comparable content


Someone from your company has attended the NSGA Leadership Conference at least once in the last 3 years, or, can demonstrate that employees have attended other training and/or educational sessions to learn comparable content


Your business can provide 6 positive references – 3 customer/consumer and 3 manufacturers – that your company does business with

Join NSGA now for access to vital resources to help grow your business.