
Your Voice Matters

Advocacy is not politics but a way to influence politics.


Elected officials at every level want to hear and learn from their constituents. Your personal story and experience help them to best represent you and the people and businesses of your community in the legislative process.

While appointments in Washington, DC, district offices, or your state capitol may not be possible, you can reach most elected officials through inquiry forms on their websites or by sending a letter.

Our Mission

NSGA's mission is to help our members grow their business and to advocate on their behalf.

Reach Out

Follow the steps below to make your request:

5 Steps to Successfully Advocate


  1. Be clear and concise.
  2. Identify who you are and why you are contacting your elected representative.
  3. Establish your connection to the issue and how it affects your business and greater community. Provide data on the impact on the district.
  4. Make your request. What do you want them to do?
  5. Thank them for their attention and consideration.


If you would like to contact your federal officials, please use the resources below to reach out to them directly.

Contact Your United States House Representative
Contact Your United States Senator

NSGA receives inquiries from retailers and dealers looking for intervention on a variety of matters. These issues are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. If you are a retailer/dealer member with a concern about an industry matter, please contact us for a discussion.

Government and Corporate Contact

Julie Pitts, Director of Public Affairs

(847) 296-NSGA (6742), ext. 1180 

Rulemaking Contact

Marty Maciaszek, Director of Communications 

(847) 296-NSGA (6742), ext. 1260