Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Nominate A Deserving Individual


Complete the below form to nominate a deserving individual into the Sporting Goods Industry Hall of Fame.


The following items must be attached below or submitted via email (hof@nsga.org) with completion of the nomination form: biography of the nominee, three new letters of support for the nomination, and additional materials to support the nomination are encouraged including media articles, patent documentation, etc. (if applicable).

Nominate A Deserving Individual

Complete the below form to nominate a deserving individual into the Sporting Goods Industry Hall of Fame.


The following items must be attached below or submitted via email (hof@nsga.org) with completion of the nomination form: biography of the nominee, three letters of support for the nomination, and additional materials to support the nomination are encouraged including media articles, patent documentation, etc. (if applicable).

Complete Hall Of Fame Nomination Form

Nominee Details
If candidate is still active in business, complete below section.
Company Details:
If candidate is retired from business, complete below section.
Candidate's Details:
If candidate is deceased, complete the below section.
Candidate's Closest Relative Details:
Nominator Details:
Provide contact information to reach you or follow-up.
Name of Nominator:
Nominator's Details:(Required)
Attach Biography of Nominee
Max. file size: 15 MB.
Attach First Letter of Support for Nominee
Max. file size: 15 MB.
Attach Second Letter of Support for Nominee
Max. file size: 15 MB.
Attach Third Letter of Support for Nominee
Max. file size: 15 MB.
Attach Additional Items of Support (If Applicable)
Max. file size: 15 MB.
Additional attachments or large files can be submitted to hof@nsga.org.

Explore Sporting Goods Industry Hall of Fame Inductees

Click to View Hall of Fame Inductees


Contact hof@nsga.org for questions related to the nomination process.