NSGA Views Concentrated Market Power As Threat To Small, Independent Business

By Julie PittsNSGA Director of Public Affairs Concentrated power is a formidable threat facing small, independent businesses. The National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) closely monitors this movement as our mission is to help our members grow their businesses and advocate on their behalf. NSGA participates in advocacy efforts with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR), a national research and advocacy organization that strives to provide a healthy … Continued

Small Business Rising Statement on Investigation into Amazon

Contact: Jess Del Fiacco, delfiacco@ilsr.org WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 9, 2022) – The following statement was issued by Small Business Rising, a coalition of nearly 30 national and local associations representing over 150,000 small and independent businesses, including the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA), in response to a letter from Members of the House Judiciary Committee urging the … Continued

Retailers Helped by Passage of Postal Reform Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 8, 2022) – The National Retail Federation (NRF) welcomed the final passage of the first major postal reform legislation approved by Congress in more than 15 years. The National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) also supported this legislation. “The U.S. Postal Service has long played a key role in ensuring that retailers can deliver … Continued