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Soft Goods Brand Ratings Report

The report is derived from data collected via survey in the spring of 2022. Our goal was to produce a comprehensive report which gave team dealers a better idea of the brands being carried along with their ratings for certain attributes for soft goods categories. The report can also be used by manufacturers to get a better idea of where they stand with their customers.

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In This Report

Part 1 – Intro, Respondent Profiles and Sales Overview

A brief introduction to the report, including background on why the Team Dealer Brand Ratings survey for soft goods was executed in the spring of 2022, the methodology of the study and a summary profile of the survey’s respondents. Also included is an overview of soft goods sales among the team dealer channel.

Part 2 – Brands Carried

Brands being carried by team dealers for each of the six soft goods product categories are examined.

Part 3 – Brand Ratings

This section details the ratings team dealers gave to the brands they carry based on various selling attributes (value for the price, timely delivery, product innovation, brand-name recognition, sell-through and customer service toward the dealer) as well as overall feelings toward each brand, giving insight into the quality of business being done.

Part 4 – Screen Printing Equipment

The final section details the brands being carried by team dealers for screen printing equipment as well as the ratings team dealers gave to the brands they carry based on various attributes (value for the price, timely delivery and customer service toward the dealer) as well as overall feelings toward each brand, giving insight into the quality of business being done.


If you have questions or comments with regard to this report, or if you are a manufacturer and would like to inquire about obtaining this report, please contact Nick Rigitano, NSGA Director of Insights and Analysis, at (847) 296-NSGA (6742), ext. 1080 or

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